Revitalizing agricultural sciences with design sciences

Revitalizing agricultural sciences with design sciences

2021 - Lorène Prost


In this perspective article, I explain why agricultural sciences are facing what I consider to be design issues, and why I strongly believe that agricultural sciences would benefit from more dialogue on these issues with design sciences. Using two examples concerning the design of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and of agricultural systems, I discuss the methodological and conceptual contribution that design sciences can make to agricultural sciences. I then elaborate on how design sciences are most needed to help us revitalise agricultural sciences so that they can more effectively support farmers and agricultural stakeholders on their road to sustainability – a process which requires a radical, creative and innovative design effort.

Récents dans la revue Agricultural Systems, les articles de type "Perspectives" sont destinés à offrir aux auteurs un forum leur permettant de présenter un point de vue nouveau sur tout sujet entrant dans le champ d'application de la revue. La principale caractéristique des perspectives est qu'elles sont axées sur l'avenir et qu'elles visent à stimuler les discussions au sein de la communauté

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